Interactive VR

Animations, Panoramic 360’s and fully interactive VR’s using Unreal Engine.

360 VR Images are the first steps into VR.


VR is evolving at an ever-increasing rate, and while we have been offering 360 VR images for some time, we feel it still offers the quickest most cost-effective way to transport someone into your design and really ‘wow’ your client.


You pick the spot where you’d like the view taken from and with our software you can view the space in 360 degrees, just like you were really there! Hot points can also be added to allow the viewer to navigate to another position or click on objects for further information.


360 VR images work on any desktop computer, via our App if you are using a mobile/tablet or, for the ultimate VR experience, on a headset such as an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. Take a look at some of the examples here!

Panoramic 360° views are controllable panoramic image’s that surround the original point from which the visual view was taken. Think Google Street View, but within your own design! The ability to turn around and look at the surrounding environment is achieved through a combination of software and a number of panoramic renders which are then seamlessly stitched together.


By its’ nature, Panoramic 360 images are immersive and emotive. Thus, they can create a real impactful and memorable moment that stays with the viewer, giving a real competitive advantage to any presentation.



The unreal engine is a state of the art games engine used in most of the top triple A game titles on the market today. Game technology has come on so quickly in the past few years the industry is now using this technology to create real time, photorealistic experiences. Its been so successful that Unreal now also promote itself as a tool to the visualisation and design industry. Using this software we enable you to explore your designs like never before. Just like in a game you can walk around any area you like, with no restrictions on time or route! Available to use on either a desktop computer or VR Headset, they provide an unrivalled way to explore a space. Have a look at the examples to the right which are both captured real-time from the screen (not pre-rendered).


For more information drop us an email or phone call.